Tuesday, 26 May 2020

RCGP North of Scotland Grant and Macleod GPST of the Year Award 2020

"Coming towards the end of my GP training it was satisfying when my ES told me anumber of weeks agp that he had felt fit to nominate me for the North of SCotland GP Trianee of the Year awards. 

Amongst all of the many, often daily, changes to work adn training over the last few weeks the memory of our breif discussion had been lost.

When asked to call one of the Training Programme Directors recently my immediate thought therefore was: "there must be something wrong with my e-portfolio!"  To be told I had actually won the award was surprising and, honestly, slightly embarrassing. I am very aware of some of the exceptional personal and professional accomplishments of prior winners and also those of my contemporaries in GP training in the North. 

Generally I felt that I had simply being doing my job, hopefully mostly proficiently, for the last 3 years and to be recognised as having actually been doing better than that was unexpected but satisfying.

Being told of the award and approaching the final weeks of my training has given me cause to reflect (it is an award related to GP training of course...). 

I have been lucky to have had exceptional posts throughout my programme based in Caithness and Orkney. Each was unique, rurally focussed and provided valuable experience that will stand me in good stead in the future. 

A man cannot build his house on sand however and these rotations were supported by excellent educators that certainly deserve mention for enabling me to feel supported at work, learn and undertake some of the extra work that has led to the award: Drs. Idris Thomas, Alison Hughes and Huw Thomas. 

Additional support and education provided by staff at the Deanery has also been much appreciated. I have also had the pleasure of working with innumerable other colleagues over the last three years in a variety of settings and without their team working, good humour and guidance I do not think my training could have be so successful. 

In particular it has been an honour to be part of my training practice team, Dounby Surgery, for nearly 18 months. I have learned the art of General Practice in some way from each and every person who works there and to them I am eternally grateful - thank you. 

I think my advice to future or new GP trainees embarking on a training programme in the North would be three fold. 

Firstly, see every day as a potential learning opportunity even if it appears to be a routine day in surgery. There is always something presented to you that you haven't seen before or is presenting in a different way.

Perhaps another member of the team might approach you with a query that you aren't quite sure how to advise on. Using these moments of uncertainty to trigger further discussion with your supervisor, background reading and yes reflection can make every day valuable and stimulating as you develop as a doctor. 

Another factor that I think has been fundamental to an enjoyable and successful time in training is fostering an effective partnership with your trainer early on. I can see how it might be easy not to do so early in training while in hospital posts but GP training is quite short and utilising every month as effectively as possible will make for a smoother journey overall. 

Generally, I have found that those that are trainers are highly enthusiastic and keen to impart knowledge and wisdom. Utilise this to benefit your own development and recognise that often as a trainee you can actually have a similar effect on your trainer. 

Having a good understanding and mutual agreement about your priorities and objectives with each other can also be useful in allowing you to achieve my third piece of advice. As a trainee you will often be full of energy and ideas that can be hugely beneficial to the setting you are working in and potentially further afield. 

Finding time to undertake some additional work outside of routine clinical work can be satisfying, maintain enthusiasm and give some broader perspective on the system within you are working. 
Of course, it can be tiring when trying to juggle this with exams and keeping up with e-portfolio but quite a lot can achieved with not a significant additional time investment and often this can be negotiated with your supervisor within the working week. I have been involved in a variety of different antimicrobial stewardship quality improvement projects and have also sat on the health board Antimicrobial Management Team. It is educational to understand a bit of the "bigger picture" regarding how healthcare systems operate within which you are working.

Choosing to do rural GP training in the North is certainly a decision I'd recommend to anyone considering a career in General Practice. The experience has been varied, stimulating and challenging, with opportunities to explore my own interests alongside routine work. I definitely feel well prepared to begin work as a thoroughly well trained newly qualified GP. 

I would like to express my thanks again to all of those who have been involved in and supported my training in numerous roles. Thank you also to the local RCGP faculty for sponsoring the award. "

 Dr Jack Cunningham
Dounby Surgery
Dounby, Orkney 

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