"The Caledonian Programme provides General Practice and Hospital training posts in urban settings in and around Inverness (a thriving city and the capital of the Highlands) and Elgin (a smaller but equally vibrant town further along the Moray coast). Complementing this we also have opportunities to experience rural posts throughout the Highlands and Moray.
Elgin and Inverness contain high quality District General Hospitals (DGHs) with the close staff relations and support that hallmarks this training experience. There are often more opportunities in DGHs to undertake supported clinical responsibility and undertake a wider variety of procedures than in larger centres.
The Caledonian Programme offers a wide variety of educational opportunities including stage specific induction, stage specific courses, and small group learning sessions.
The programme runs a stage specific induction for each year of GP training in August and September (and February if required). There is also training in PBSGL (practice based small group learning), communications skills, and Level 3 child protection training. International Medical Graduates are offered a one-day programme tailored to their needs near the start of training.
Small group learning sessions take place over a whoe day, once a month., The aim of these sessions is to develop individual knowledge, skills and attitudes in a group setting, woth an emphasis on communication skills, personal effectiveness, planning leanring/education/facilitation skills, reflective practice and e-learning.
With a two-year rolling programme, we cover all aspects of the RCGP curriculum, using a learner-centred approach. Working in small groups is the most important aspect of the educational programme because it encourages: mutual support, mutual challenge, learning from each other, understanding diversity, learning about teamwork, learning tolerance and mutual respect, sharing responsibility and the opportunity to raise issues in hospital and practice posts,
GP Regional Teaching Core Options are an opportunity for all ST's to interact and engage with a specialist in a specific clinical area. Your choice of when to attend will depend on your learning needs at the time. The ST3 courses give the opportunity for STs in GP practice to come together several times over the year. The aim of the courses is to deliver stage-specific topics, by specialists in a given area. The content of the courses is led by preferences/needs expressed by the St's themselves, influenced also by the timing of the ST3 year e.g alongside the local RCGP run CSA conference, we run our own local Deanery delivered course.
Our aim is to deliver the most brilliant Educational Programme possible, In order to do this, we are keen to listen to the ST experience, what has gone well? and what could be better? Year on year we have responded to feedback by making changes to how we do what we do - your feedback really matters.
Feedback is obtained as several levels, whether by informal approach (e.g. by phone, face0to-face, or email) or by a more formal route (e.g. specific feedback requested about a session via the NES portal) Alongside our consultative forums, we facilitate a 'Promoting Excellence' group made up of GPSTs and Deanery members which acts to influence the work we do together."
There are often more opportunities in DGH and RGH to undertake more supported clinical responsibility and undertake more procedures than in larger centres. Improving confidence as well as competence.
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